- Sparking Creativity Through Boredom: Vacation Insights from Fiji
- Rediscovering Joy: Stepping Outside After California's Eerie Skies
- Welcome
- Four Typical Post-Product Mistakes
- HDMI 2.0, 4K@60fps, and UHD Content
- Life@FB: Last Day of Bootcamp
- Science and Religion
- How To Handle Recruiter Calls
- An Overview of the Web
- Oha.na Begins
- Third Time’s The Charm!
- Four Archetypes Startups Need To Succeed
- 21st Century Manufacturing
- Hacking a Business: From Project to Company (VIDEO)
- Term Sheet Basics (VIDEO)
- Getting My Feet Wet Again…
- Build Your Product With Empathy For The User (VIDEO)
- TEDxValenciaSt: Go Write Some Science Fiction! (VIDEO)
- 6dot: Interview With Karina Pikhart & Peter Cantisani
- Interview with Dr. Jade Wang of NASA Ames
- Interview With Dr. William Marshall of NASA
- Interview With Browserling
- Environment California: Interview with Tim Telleen-Lawton
- Blackbox.vc: Interview with Bjorn and Aleksandra
- Interview With Jeff Lindsay (progrium)
- Interview with Jeff Lindsay
- Interview with Rhett Butler of Mongabay
- Interview: Paolo Privitera
- Ulrich’s Road Trip (interview)
- Interview with Alan Keefer on Silicon Valley
- Interview with Alan Keefer on Testing
- Interview with Jocelyn Joy Berl
- Interview with Nathan (“Nato”) Saichek
- My LASIK Experience: Intralase & Wavefront
- How PBworks Was A Lean Startup (VIDEO)
- A Primer on Trademark Registrations
- Philosophies on Living
- You Must Remember
- Premature Thoughts on Weight Loss
- Distillation
- David’s Two and a Half SSD Bets for 2010
- The 10 Levels of Modern Communication
- MRE Review: Sopakco Chicken Pesto Pasta (5/10)
- Great Music (for Brett Durett)
- On Beer, Wine, Mead, and Sake
- Tinkering Before Millions (VIDEO)
- TERRIBLE UI @ Hotel Gotico: Elevator
- Perill de Caigudes? Or Breakdancing?
- L0K8 – A Simple Location Service For Twitter
- Essence of Life
- Boingo Wireless: Astoundingly Confident & Poor
- Thoughts on Architecture
- Mapping the Internet
- On Free Speech
- David’s Difficult Math Question
- Mildly Controversial Thoughts for Further Exploration
- Mission Statement
- Beer Tasting Notes
- Gluing David Together Again
- The Simplest Thing (VIDEO)
- Why I’m Not Going to Landmark
- Specism: A Moral Framework
- The Echo Chamber
- Please Mock Me
- My Experience With Vonage (a.k.a. Why Vonage Sucks)
- Consumption
- work isnt wolf In a wood will not escape
- Server Issues (2005)
- Bypassing Ad Blocking
- The PS3 & Blu-Ray
- David’s Two Rules of Business
- Why Blade Servers Aren’t Smart
- VoIP Colorizing Logger
- The Intellectual Property Wage Slave
- ‘Pull’ Devices
- On Podcasting
- Nobody Makes Good Cell Phones
- Bush Won: Let’s Wake Up
- Your Blog Is Evidence
- Ghana Wrapup
- Ghana Update V
- Ghana Update IV
- Ghana Update III
- Ghana Update II
- I’m In Ghana
- And Off to Ghana
- Thank You, President Bush.
- Cavafy: Ithaca
- A Letter To Brian
- Peace In The Middle East
- A Simple Strategy For Spam Control
- Why IPv6 Won’t Be Here By 2005
- Formats
- Linux Unicode Support Sucks
- Professionalism
- Over Coffee
- Google: A Brain Extension
- The Peril Of Using ETags In A Cluster
- Philip, 2014
- The Perils Of Accidental Rudeness
- On Leisure
- Mirroring Web Content
- Tribooting Apple’s Titanium Laptop
- Presumed Backing
- Adventures In Housing, Take Two
- FTAA, EFF, Skylarov, DMCA
- Active Optimism
- Lack of Updates
- Die, Record Industry, Die!
- Aphorisms
- The Efficiency of Instant Messaging
- Hired
- Secure Audio Path: A Bad Way To Go
- SDMI: Aris Wins, World Loses
- Gnutella and the State of P2P
- The Rental Home Efficiency Problem
- Rethinking Computer Interfaces
- CES Quikie: XBox Preview
- CES Quickie: Intel Keynote
- CES Quickie: MP3 Proliferation
- CES Quickie: 2001 Roundup
- Hire Me!
- Crash – The End of P2P
- Powering The Future Internet
- Why You Should Have a Website – and How To Do It
- Why The Net Is NOT Dead
- COMDEX Overview
- Philosophy: The Necessity of Subversion
- Alack For The Trees
- Unfreezing The Site
- Fun With Companies
- Adventures In Housing
- Why I Came Back
- Censored.
- Client as Server: A New Model
- Why XML Will Fail
- Why SDMI Will Fail
- On Collaborative Filtering
- The Need For Next-Generation Email
- Three Days of mIRC
- Sexiest Geek Alive
- Turning On a Compaq
- Response To The DVD Injunction
- My Letter To Clifford Nass
- The Multicast User
- The Psychology of Online Music
- Alex Blok: The Original Music Man
- MP3 Summit Two: 1999
- On Effective Leadership
- An Overview of Digital Audio
- A Box To Fit In: Marriage and Gendered Roles In Society
- The MP3 Artist
- The Invisible Orchestra
- The Stanford Linux Revolt
- Very Solid Audio
- Thoughts On Efficiency
- Teleacoustics: The Regulation of Transmitted Speech
- Sharing & The Internet
- Diamond Rio Review
- MP3 Summit Report
- The Knee Jerk
- Seat 11-C
- I Carry
- My Salutatorian Speech
- Trial By Fire
Number of posts found: 165