David E. Weekly's Website

Linux Unicode Support Sucks

October 09, 2003

Unicode is just about the coolest thing since sliced bread. It’s the kind of thing after which you wonder how things possibly worked previously. The idea is simple: one character set can represent any character in any language. There are a few different ways of encoding Unicode characters (there are more than 100,000 of them!) but the most popular is “UTF-8” for the 8-bit Unicode transfer format.

UTF-8 is not-very-coincidentally also a superset of 7-bit ASCII, meaning that most English documents are already valid UTF-8. The algorithms for dealing with UTF-8 are not overly complex – while characters are multibyte, the leading bits actually tell you what bit you’re on, so character counting is easy and does not require the insane juggling of some of the Asian character encoding techniques to find out where you are in a string.

Windows 2000 & XP (and indeed, even NT!) seem to have pretty decent Unicode support. Internet Explorer lets me read UTF-8 pages just fine, including posting mixed Chinese & Hebrew comments on websites. 🙂 I can cut and paste between Notepad and IE without

difficulty. Yay!

There was one minor quirk, and that was that IE basically seemed to ignore the META tag on a website (specifying that a page was encoded in UTF-8) if there was a Content-Type header from the server that contradicted it. So I needed to explicitly set the Content-Type

header to Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8. Then everything seemed to render alright.

So I flip on over to Linux to see what the current state of the international toolchain is, figuring it’s probably going to be incredibly robust, since, what, the whole of China is basically using Linux, right? Wrong. Hardly anything worked.

To be fair, I first needed to configure my Windows SSH client (PuTTY) to “assume” that the character encoding it was being fed was UTF-8; unfortunately, it seems that terminal protocols don’t have a good mechanism for indicating the client or server’s capacity for various encoding techniques. So I also need to set the LANG environment variable

to en_US.UTF-8 from its default of en_US. This still wasn’t enough.

To get lynx (the terminal web browser) to work properly I needed to call it with –display_charset=utf-8. I finally saw Chinese over SSH. Yay.

I looked at quite a few editors (Emacs, Vim, Xemacs, QEmacs, and mined) of which only mined seemed to support UTF-8 editing in any sort of reasonable capacity. The next version of Emacs promises “real UTF-8 support”, but I seem to recall hearing those sorts of promises last year, too. I’m frankly distressed. Thankfully the basic tools like less seem to be fully UTF-8 compliant. Odd.

Anyhow, more rant later. 🙂

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