David E. Weekly's Website

The MP3 Book

May 09, 2000

Back in early 2000 I was approached by a publisher to write a book about about MP3 audio technology; I only wrote the first two chapters before my senior project duties eclipsed book-writing and I needed to shelve the project indefinitely. 20 years later, in 2020, I’ve resurrected what I had written and am re-publishing it.


Welcome! You are free to browse this text, download it, and suggest changes to me. Individuals and non-profits are free to quote this text or even freely redistribute it in its entirety as long as you include a notice at the top of the document stating the author as David Weekly, giving my email address (david@weekly.org) and including a link back to my website (https://david.weekly.org/) — I’d also really appreciate it if you told me if you do use my content, if for nothing else than curiosity’s sake!

If you would like to reprint this material for commercial gain (e.g., for sale via print, online, or offline digital format), please talk to me. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out quite easily!


I would love whatever you can contribute: anything from a typo on a certain page to adding or correcting technical or legal information. Maybe you have some ideas as to how to make the whole thing more readable online. If you think I’m missing a paragraph or a chapter, write it up and send it my way! I’ll list your contributions prominently and ever be thankful for your help. =)


August 15, 2020 - back from the dead

  • After two decades of languishing, I fished this out of The Internet Archive for republishing!

May 9, 2000 - draft release (0.04) [1,2,A]

  • Automated chapter formatting to allow for rapid publication / editing
  • Reformatted Chapter One
  • Added “deep linking” to Table of Contents
  • Various corrections
  • Chapter Two added (The Guts of Music Technology)
  • thanks to Josh W-B for the kick in the rear to push this out

March 29, 2000 - draft release (0.03) [1,A]

  • Table of contents posted
  • Chapter One first posted (The Hype)
  • Appendix A (My Story) first posted

Read It!

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